I have been through at present 3 photo hosting sites. These sites have served me well but they do have their limits. The first one picasa, has served me for about 6 good months it has 1 gig of storage space for your pics. On the downside protecting your images from theft is pretty much no existent. The second one Jalbum presented me with a very kick ass image presentation interface and image protection. It however left much to be desired in terms of space. The third was flickr which I started using about a month ago is the "Day-walker" of the free photo hosting websites. It offers 100 mbs of uploading a month. It effectively eliminates the right-click save theft technique. It does however have a pretty generic user interface.
These sites have served me for some time and I will probably still use them from time to time but I needed something better and something in line with my growing photography side venture. So I had to step away from the free sites and dive into the more robust and higher storage paid sites.
I did some research on these sites about a few months ago, but nothing ever came of it. But when I hit a snag uploading some pics (over 500) to any of my free sites, I knew it was time to make the jump. It just so happened that while surfing facebook, I ran across an ad for just this kind of site so I took a look around. It looked pretty good. Offered unlimited storage and some other goodies. But it was missing something that I thought was a really good idea when I read another photographer mention it a couple months ago. I can't remember who he was but if I find the article I will surely give him the credit he deserves.
Anyhow, what I was looking for was a way to sell what is called digital rights to the pictures on the website. It works like the iTunes store where you can buy just one or more songs from an album instead of being forced to buy the whole album to hear just one or two songs. Sadly this site did not have that feature.
After a quick hunt on the internet for other sites and comparing prices and features, I came across one based on the suggestion from a Frat brother and fellow photographer (check out his writing and photography at http://www.mantoniosilas.com) , I went and checked out the site Zenfolio. It had everything I was looking for and I confident that with this site I can truly provide the services and products that will make clients satisfied and also have a place to display my own brand of unique photography. Check out the site http://rhylinimages.zenfolio.com
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